Friday, January 3, 2025

Merry Christmas & Catching Up

Sorry Matt for the gap in blogs. May your poops go more smoothly now... :)

We have been busy but also have enjoyed lots of time at home - hence the tons of dog photos. 

After NY, we finished out the last weeks of school and work before taking about 2 weeks off. Dad and Bev joined us a few days before Christmas and the fun could begin!

Instead of the Elf on the Shelf or an Advent calendar - I decided to do a countdown of 10 days until Christmas with a little puzzle or joke and then some cash for the girls. 

Right before Christmas, Lucy got a phone! Oh boy! It was time to switch providers and we could all get new phones, add a line, and still pay less than before AND have better reception. Win-win. 

So many dog pictures... sorry.

Though Remy does love his Manwolf

Grandpa and Nana arrived and it was baking cookies, playing games, watching movies, and hanging out. We had to be a little more mellow this year with Heidi having her tonsils removed after Christmas and we couldn't risk her getting sick. We enjoyed it just the same!


Instead of doing a bunch of activities out and about - we opted for some crafts and baking...

Christmas morning!

Heidi didn't love my Nicholas Cage pickle ornament as much as I did. 

Or these weird tight blanket things...

But at least we booked a trip to Mexico for Spring Break!

Rizzo likes the new blankets.

We opened all the gifts as usual and had a wonderful Christmas day!

I also received this nightmare-inducing hand-stitched one-of-a-kind artwork from Matt and Christina. Just wow. 

Chris received meat.

Side note - our neighbors asked us to come and take a family photo for them since everyone was there - I had to share the absolute chaos it was - but we love them just the same :)

The day after Christmas Heidi went in for surgery for her tonsils. It went smoothly and she has been healing since. We have had our good days and bad - but she is finally trying to eat more today. They said recovery for older kids can be harder and I believe it!

While Chris and I were busy with Heidi - Nana and Grandpa did an awesome job of adopting Lucy and keeping her entertained!

Just like that - Christmas was over! It was so great to have family here and enjoy our time. I know Nana's favorite movie was a tie between Red One with the Rock (just kidding - its awful) or Holiday in Handcuffs - the unhinged Christmas movie with AC Slater and Sabrina the Teenage Witch - which might have to be added to the normal rotation. 

After Grandpa and Nana went back to Omaha, we hadn't seen the Belciks since October and decided we needed to get together - but the rules were - small window to hang out - leave by 9:30! Heidi used the time for a good nap and we went and enjoyed their Christmas bar. It was such a random fun night - from Jenn jumping on her Peleton to get her 250th ride, to misc drinks being made, to making homemade pizzas, to a play from the kids (it was supposed to be Annie but Annie killed everyone instead - they admitted they all have never seen Annie), to calling the internet provider as a group. It was a nice way to wrap up Christmas. 

She got thirsty and needed a Selzer - hahahaha

We ended the year just at home. Lucy was able to go to a friend's house and we fell asleep before we were going to go - whoops! Don't worry Lucy helped clean up their party too!

Bring on 2025!