Monday, July 24, 2023

Team Bonding and Gorgeous Weather

We have been finally having great weather and little miss Heidi has been enjoying her new sun chair. It must be rough being a teenager - ha.

Heidi and I ran errands to Target before her high school volleyball trip and our local Target is under refurbishment - they completed a new Disney section. Most of you know we love Disney, but this was.... a lot... rotating giant Mickey, video screens, music, and so. much. merchandise. Maybe too much Disney. 

Lucy was an only child this weekend and she loved it. We ate out, went miniature golfing, and more. We also all went to the Barbie movie and it was GREAT! I highly recommend it. It was hilarious. 

Lucy even was able to get a fun drink at lunch. 

Heid was off with the JV and Varsity players for Holy Name. They went hiking, rope climbing and white water rafting. She gets back later today. 

Heidi is in front - not looking at the camera...

More random Rizzo...

Heidi has never eaten at a Bob Evans. She was out of her element. She didn't know what to order and ordered off the kid's menu with the Little Piggie Plate. Pretty funny.

Random storm that flooded our streets last week.

 Just one more regular week and then volleyball will be back full swing. Our school doesn't start until the end of August for us, so still plenty of summer left!