Monday, December 11, 2023

Award and a Driver!

Heidi had her end-of-the-year volleyball banquet and she won defensive player of the year! We are proud of her!

On top of winning her award - Heidi took the permit exam and PASSED! She can now officially begin learning to drive. In Ohio, you only get 6 months, but she is begging to go driving as often as possible!

We finished decorating for Christmas and ended with the infamous Disney tree! 

We were able to catch up with neighbors and did a craft project :) It was fun to hang out and entertaining to watch dads with a glue gun, levels, and many opinions on how to get a stack of cans to stay. 

I also attended one of Nicholas' hockey games and catch up with the Belcik family. 

Christmas is coming fast! Now it's time to wrap presents and prep our house!