Monday, December 4, 2023

Regular Weekend

It's starting to look like Christmas! We had ZERO plans this weekend, which was great. I managed to get Christmas shopping done, we are 90% decorated - just one more tree to do and even the elf returned. Just a few weeks left of school and it is Christmas!

St. Jude has a living elf (aka Mick the maintenance man) that visits the kids in the morning. It is hilarious to see a grown man - in an elf costume - perched on the roof. 

Heidi has a birthday party for a friend, so the rest of us went to dinner...

You have to love picking up a teenager from a sleepover... they all slept in until 11am...

Lucy providing modeling for potential presents...

Chris and Lucy went to Nicholas' hockey game too!

This week club volleyball starts again - it has bee a nice break for sure - plus it gave Heidi time to heal. Then it is more prep for the holidays!