Monday, June 10, 2024

Sweet 16


Summer has begun!

We celebrated Heidi turning 16 this weekend. She passed her exam and now can drive on her own! Normally, when it is your birthday weekend, you choose what we do all weekend. Heidi decided to split up her weekend - Friday was family. We shopped, ate Sushi, and hung out, Saturday was her Holy Name friends and Sunday was her neighborhood friends. So - we didn't see her much on Saturday or Sunday! We instead hung out with Lucy - played games and played putt-putt!

We are babysitting Jason's dogs this weekend and Lucy loves them!

Putt Putt

One sad moment... after 5 years and approximately 9 months - the fish with no name decided it was done in this world. We woke up to him on the counter. Goodbye little fish!

No birthday cake for this girl - she wanted macaroons! 

Lunch at Condados!

She did it!!! She got 100% as well! Funny enough - the instructor told her if she messed up, she could just try's not how it works, but luckily she was good the first time!

Whenever Chris has to travel - Remy takes over his spot! 

Lucy had her last day of school!

And a random selfie Chris sent me while he was traveling!

Just a few more days and we are on vacation! The weather is looking questionable for Florida but we will manage!