Monday, June 24, 2024

Happy Birthday Chris!

We celebrated Chris' birthday this weekend - complete with an Escape room, baseball game, and a random Shaq concert! 

We actually got through the escape room! We had a rough start but once we figured out the first major challenge - it clicked and we got through it with 10 minutes left! 

Chris, Lucy, and I went to a baseball game in the heat, while Heidi got to hang out with Noah and be our DD. It was a fair trade. It was close to 100 degrees in the sun but we made the best of it! 

Funny enough, after the game, Shaq aka DJ Diesel threw a concert for everyone. It was AWESOME! So random, but awesome. 

 It was such a fun event and a great way to celebrate Chris' birthday. We are hoping for a more mild weekend coming up for sure with maybe less heat!