Monday, July 1, 2024

Hot Weekend


We had very little plans going into this weekend and it turned out quite nice! Saturday night, the Belciks invited us over for an impromptu hangout and we always have fun there! The picture above was to prove that Lucy is almost as tall as Jenn and she is growing like a weed!

Jim modeling his hat...

We made a quick little stop at our old neighbor's graduation party. It was very HOT, very hot. Noah was a good sport and came along too. 

Random - but we have a mama deer and two tiny little baby fawns right now in our yard. I think she leaves them in our forest area during the day! So cute!

Chris sold his Jeep lift for the hard top and our friend Jeremy came by to pick it up...and stayed for 3 hours in an impromptu driveway hangout. The girls played - we had some fun conversations and it ended up being a great evening!

Of course our weekend started off with some Fiesta! It was a perfect night for the patio - a little hot, but doable. Don't worry - there is no alcohol in Lucy's drink! 

And ending with Lucy's selfies! 

Heidi has been very busy with volleyball and she has a couple of days she has to go to and then we are off to Omaha! It is a shorten trip and we are trying to squeeze everyone in but it is a challenge! We are excited to see everyone!