Monday, July 8, 2024



Our super quick trip to Omaha is complete! We squeezed in a trip between some volleyball and at least got to see everyone for a little bit!

Cousins always enjoy each other...

Having fun exploring the giant Toy R Us that is now all booze.

We went as a group to the new Minions movie - it was cute. 

Wiffle Ball fun. 

Celebrated some birthdays.

Went to Fat Putter which is this super over the top putt-putt place! I beat Matt. That is all that matters. :) hehe

We explored the Imaginarium and it was REALLY cool. It is a science museum but WAY better and with an amazing outdoor space. 

Heidi has never gone down a tall metal slide - we heard a lot of banging back and forth and skin screeching... she said never again. 

It took 6 of us - but we did it. It stayed up for 3 seconds.

The cousins were having fun...

Uncle Brett provided us 4th of July entertainment. We walked away with all our fingers and eyebrows - so it was a win!


Lucy is growing quickly - she might pass some people when we come back on Thanksgiving!

It was a great trip. The girls are worn out but had to jump right back into volleyball camps. This summer is going quickly. 

Ending with some random pictures of us taking care of our adorable neighbor's dog Cooper who might be the sweetest dog ever.