Monday, August 12, 2024

Birthday Girl


Lucy is 12! We had a jam-packed but fun birthday weekend for Miss Lucy! It started with us shopping with her birthday money and I clocked in over 11K steps just following her around! She just loves to go shopping! She got Starbucks (thank you Aunt Val!) and tacos for lunch. 

Then after all that shopping - she was trying to determine her last bit of money what to do with it and fell in love with a bear. She had never done build-a-bear and as much she felt a little silly - she was also super excited for it. It was a fun way to end shopping for sure and now she has a new pal to sleep with. 

Saturday she had her best friend over, Ella, and they did crafts, played games, ate snacks and in general had a great time. 

Even though Lucy did NOT want any cake - Heidi and Chris out voted her and made her at least get some cupcakes - she didn't even eat it, but at least Heidi and Chris were happy!

This morning we did her year check-up; she grew from 4'7" last year to 4'11" already! The doctor thought she should grow a few more inches - will she be taller than Heidi? We will see!

Just a last few weekends before school starts and we are trying to maximize the summer left for sure!