Monday, August 5, 2024

Concert Fun


This last week was Lucy's week of friends! CYO volleyball is starting for Lucy and I got roped in to help coach. Lucy isn't too mad as it means more play time with friends and the other mom coaches! :)

Saturday - her friend group decided to head to a boy band and taylor swift event. They had two cover artists that was very entertaining. Lucy was in heaven! She of course needed a new outfit for the concert. And yes - everyone's lawn is dead right now. We haven't had very much rain at all, which is really weird for us. 

The concert was at an outdoor pavilion right on Lake Erie. Everyone could bring chairs and it was seriously great.

Lucy was in heaven. 

The moms liked the boy band the best for sure - we were having just as much fun - if not more during their set!

The girls even got to meet the main singer - Sarah - who does the Taylor Swift show. They thought they were SO cool. 

It was honestly such a fun night. Lucy slept until almost NOON the next day. 

In other news, we also had some very disappointing information, Heidi was cut from her high school team for volleyball. Out of 12 JV players from last year, 2 were already swinging to varsity, so they made it and he kept 1 junior who was a hitter on the new JV team. Everyone else was cut. We knew there could be a risk as varsity already had 18 players going into tryouts (which is ridiculous) - we were hoping he would keep juniors on JV but unfortunately, he decided to cut instead. Most of Heidi's friends were cut as well, except those already on varsity (who are all front-row players aka tall people).

He told Heidi there were just too many backrow/DS players... but he kept the freshman and sophomores from his club instead. We are just mad at how it was handled. He pulled Heidi up to the varsity side for tryouts and nothing but praises for feedback but I guess that what false hope. You just forget about much politics there are in youth sports and when you play a position that tends to be not valued as much as the tall players, you are at a higher risk of being cut. The hardest part of it all is there won't be a senior year for her for sports. She was looking forward to it, but it is ok. 

It is what it is. Part of us are happy we no longer have to deal with the super toxic coach and program - he really is a character, not in a good way. He loves to hear himself talk and talk about himself. It's gross. There has been such a variety of inappropriate behavior, especially around what he says to the girls. This is a blessing in disguise. Heidi will still play club but she plans to quit after this next season - so as of April 13th 2025 - Heidi will hang up her volleyball stuff! I can see her playing for some rec teams or just for fun - but that's up to her!