Monday, August 8, 2022

Birthday Weekend

This weekend was the weekend that Lucy was able to choose what we did all weekend. It is always exhausting but fun! She decided where we ate, yes, we all had to eat at McDonald's once - yuck - and we went shopping for her birthday. 

First, I love when I find random selfies on my phone from Lucy :)

She wanted us to play downstairs on Friday. Lots of video games, the floor is lava, and just hanging out in the chaos. 

We went shopping with Lucy for close to 4 hours! She was very thoughtful and thorough in what she picked out. 

Snuggle moment.

More games... lots and lots of games...

The only thing Lucy didn't get to choose was Holy Name at their Frosh Fest for all incoming freshmen. It was fun, very very hot, but fun. They had food trucks, games, ice cream, prizes etc. Heidi got to run around with her new friends, and Lucy had a blast. 

The birthday celebration continues this week with the climax being taking a few friends to the Frozen off-broadway show. It is a very busy week, but excited for Lucy to turn 10!