Monday, October 3, 2022

Back Surgery & Homecoming 2022

We have had a week! We started this week with Chris having back surgery and it was a little more intense than we thought. He is recovering very nicely and hitting milestones as needed, but he still has a long way to go. He is now, a week later, walking around without a walker. He still isn't really doing stairs but he was able to shower about 95% of himself. I'm glad he is getting better as we did have a rough couple of days for sure.

Heidi has a busy week as well. It was Homecoming week! Heidi got asked to the dance by a very nice boy, Jacob. He actually involved his friends and asked in front of the whole cafeteria. Heidi was super excited and this happens to be the boy she has a crush on as well. win-win, I guess. 

I took a ton of pictures, but they aren't really in any order... A large group met at a nice lake for pictures and then headed to dinner before the dance. It was a breezy 55 degrees and the girls were freezing!

So many parents and kids! It was a great group and fun to see all of them together. Not everyone were paired up, it was a good mix of some with dates and some without.

A parent of the boys was absolutely hilarious and forced them into all sorts of awkward pictures. We were all enjoying it...

Jacob and Heidi.

The boys were such good sports...

The awkwardness in the exchange of flowers had us all giggling...

All I had was the burrito blanket to keep warm!

I have been a nurse all week for Chris and managing all his meds... He is down to just a couple now!

We also got Heidi's school picture this week! She looks so old!

And the patient...

Nurse Lucy has been a HUGE help as I have been running around with Heidi!

Heidi had a blast at HOCO and I feel a relationship might be in the works! oh boy - here we go!