Monday, October 24, 2022

Halloween and Football

First, we had a setback with Chris' back. I won't post a picture of how it looks, but he started to get some ulcers on his incision. We went to wound care, and they opened him up and packed it. Now, I get to pack it for the next week. Honestly, compared to last Thursday to even today - it looks WAY better. We go back Thursday morning. I'm not sure if they will sew him up or let it ride.  He is just very sore and beat up. I'm hoping some of the pain can go away so he can just become more mobile. 

Friday night the football game was in our area. We invited a few families over to eat and have some drinks before going to the game. Then Heidi had her first official Holy Name sleepover. They had a good time. :)

Holy Name won their division. It was a fun game to go to for sure!

If you look closely - you can see Jacob and Heidi chatting - hehe.

Random Lucy...

St. Jude had Trunk-or-Treat event and Lucy was begging to go. Lucy picked out her costume - I think she is a Zombie Corpse Prom Queen. She LOVES it. I did the makeup and hair and she provided the drama. 

I didn't take too many pictures as the event was huge. Also, Chris was hurting a little, so he stayed by the car in a chair for most of it. Lucy is ready for Halloween for sure!

One of Heidi's friends snapped this picture. I think they are talking more. Jacob is very shy and intimidated by Heidi and has even said she makes him so nervous, BUT I do think they are talking more. It's just hard when they can't drive and can't just hang out, plus he is dressing for Freshman, JV, AND Varisty football and she has volleyball. We will see how it goes...