Monday, October 10, 2022


It was a much overdue weekend in Chicago with Val! We were determined to go and had a great 48 hours. We went to our favorite Husker bar, got deep-dish pizza, ate our oven grinders, walked a lot, and ended with a super fun Beerfest. It is always a great time!

Chris and the girls sent me a bunch of depressed dog pictures. ha

Heidi didn't have much volleyball last week, but they had a great game on Tuesday! This is their last week!

I had to capture Chris' first time out of the house in almost 2 weeks. 


We were helping the bartenders name new drinks... I think Val and I have a new calling to name things. We had them rolling...

Lucy didn't like the free hat I got her...

And... we have had a lot of stress for the last couple of months... we decided to do a last minute trip coming up in December... These puppies arrived and we are excited!