Sunday, April 21, 2013


It was one of those boring type of weekends...we ran around - ran errands and really laid low in preparation for Omaha!!!

So random pictures and happenings:

Lucy and Heidi enjoying some TV...

Then Lucy discovers Heidi's bananas...

Lucy is getting really good at her walker - today she started running in it!

Heidi wanted to watch some cartoon - so we left her be. I come back to the family room and this is what I find...

Then, we leave again and this is what we find...

We are really excited for Omaha and cannot wait! We have a ton to do prior to our trip - but we will figure out a way!!!

Since we were going no where and bored - we decided to be a marketer's dream and play into the hype of the three new flavors of chips. My favorite was the cheesy garlic bread, then sriracha and I did not care for the chicken and waffles - too syrup tasting. Chris liked the sriracha the best and then the cheesy garlic bread and he didn't like the chicken and waffles either. In case you were wondering - yes we blind folded one another and fed each other chips to get a true double blind study. :)