Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So we have no gas...

So...we have no gas - since Monday night - what does that mean? Well our stove is gas...our fireplace is gas....our water heater is gas...our furnace is gas... Yep. Back to the pioneer days!  Can't cook anything but microwave - can't shower - can't heat house...

We have a neighborhood Facebook page that notified me about 8pm Monday night that some peoples gas wasn't working - fast forward and we were right along with them!

First night we grabbed Heidi and threw her in bed with me and the boys and we took our space heater to Lucy's room. 

Chris got to stay up and mess with our fire alarms which were malfunctioning. At first we thought it was carbon monoxide but luckily it wasn't!!! 

Chris and I sent the kids to daycare the next day and we had a work party in our bedroom that later turned into a dinner and everyone sleeping party that night! We even tried to do baths out of a small tub! 

Even though our house is 37 degrees - our bedroom is 65 and we are giggling as much as we are annoyed. 

Can't shower - well actually Chris tried for about 5 seconds this morning - brilliant idea on his part :)

Still waiting for some heat and the gas people to come. Someone has to remain here to let them in...I'm watching the neighborhood Facebook page religiously to try to track their progress and I hope to have heat this morning!

Thought I would share our cell phone pictures of the adventure!