Thursday, August 16, 2012


We have progress! After meeting with the lung doctors, they decided last night to put her on a dose of diuretics and clear out her fluid. Her chest xray came back wetter than the previous one, so we knew she wasn't moving fluid at all like she should. I guess she was a peeing machine last night and even lost some weight. Since they gave her the diuretics - her breathing slowed way down, even was clocked in the 60s this morning, but typically hanging out in the 80s. She was able to move back to her nose thingy and they aren't pumping her full of oxygen like they were before. She is at the same pressure or amount as room air.

The big change is now they DO think its related to her heart. I did mis speak - we aren't waiting for a valve to close - its a duct - valve - duct - whatever - I was never good at science. When the baby is in the womb - there is no need for the lungs. So the heart has a duct that basically bypasses the lungs and keeps the blood flowing. After the baby is born, the duct is suppose to close on its own about 3 days after. Some babies take longer - aka Lucy. They are going to check her heart again on Monday to see if it has closed. If it hasn't closed by then, there is a slight chance for some minor surgery. Until then, they plan to keep giving her treatments of diuretics and watching everything else just to be on the safe side.

We were actually allowed to hold her and she was taking some deep breaths which is the first time we have noticed that. Also, when we hold her, all her bells and alarms don't go off like they did in the past. At least they feel more confident we are heading in the right direction. They said normally a slow closing duct isn't connected to something like fast breathing but in Lucy's case it is.

Its so nice for her not to be in the bubble and we can have more interaction! Come on close duct!